A sort-of new Gum Gum Person drawing

Back in Inktober 2019 I drew this sketch for the prompt TREASURE:

Recently, and randomly, I decided to colour it (maybe I just like colouring books) and, as I’ve done before with other GGP sketches, ended up refining it at the same time. The lines of the chest are straight now, but if you look closely1Maybe not even that closely, really you can see the chest is not quite straight. But I kind of like it that way. Also, I admit to largely giving up on the coins. Maybe in the next revision.

Both drawings done in Procreate on my iPad Pro.

I drew a thing last night

It’s incomplete and may never be finished, so I’m not posting it, but I was inspired to finally doodle something after being inspired by Chris Silverman, who makes drawings in Apple Notes, which is just as weird as it sounds. He also draws weird things, which I love.

You can see his work at notes art.

I did not use Apple Notes, I used Procreate on my iPad Pro, but I mimicked the look and feel by using the same 3″ x 5″ canvas and using a combo of pencil and charcoal brushes. It was fun, and I’ll be doing more, which I will actually post. I’ll also mix things up as I progress, so the work becomes less homage and more my own. (I drew a night scene showing a cliffside beach against a gray and foreboding sky.)

Here’s a piece of one of Chris’s recent drawings to give a taste. I highly recommend visiting the site, checking out his work and his process.

Bird art: Snow goose

It’s been a while since I did one of these, and I figured I should get one more in before the end of the year. It’s not perfect, but it’s snow goosey enough. Based on a photo I took at Iona Beach on October 22, 2023.

10 more posts to go

I fell way behind on my unofficial goal of 2 posts per day on the blog, and still have 10 more to go. Can I do it? Maybe. Should I? Maybe!

Here’s a haiku on perseverance I just made up:


You think and then do
You ponder what you have made
Do more anyway

Hardworking Sasquatch

I asked Adobe Firefly to give me a Sasquatch working in an office on Adobe Photoshop, using the photography filter. It gave me this:

Sasquatch isn’t real (or is it??) but AI still having trouble with fingers.

I mean, would you tell him lunch break is over?

My most important use for AI-generated art

To amuse me. If it makes me laugh (or smile), I’m good.

Yesterday, a discussion in Discord lead to speculation over whether the Sasquatch had arrived in Australia via dugout canoe1This started when someone in my gaming group, who is going on a trip to Australia soon, noted “my research has indicated that there’s a Bigfoot like cryptid called the Yowie that lives in Australia“. I asked Adobe Firefly to produce illustrated proof of this, and behold:

Also, I just generally love the way Firefly depicts the Sasquatch

This is all I really need AI to do when it comes to art. Sasquatches in canoes.