Treadmill walk: One of these days I’ll go outside again

Maybe tomorrow! The forecast calls for light rain, which is just the sort of thing to keep people–and maybe even a few dog owners–off the trails. Not that I’m anti-people, I just like having lots of room to run. Yeah.

Tonight’s workout was slightly different in that I started out listening to music, then decided to watch YouTube videos instead, since I’m subbed to a thousand tech and creative channels and only watch any of them sporadically. It worked out well. I watched Snazzy Labs’ longer take on the recent Apple iPhone 12 event and I absolutely adore Quinn Nelson’s delivery. He does deadpan so well. After the video ended I listened to more music (I am still working through my entire song list alphabetically–I’m up to the E’s now) because trying to pull up additional videos while walking very fast on a steeply-inclined treadmill is…tricky. Maybe Siri can help. Or just start pulling up random stuff, which is almost as likely.

One other thing I’ll note is how delightful it was to have my AirPods seamlessly switch from the iPhone to the iPad Pro and back again. This is one of those little things Apple does so well. It’s inspired me to start a Good Design category on the blog to counter the negative of the Bad Design one.

Anyway, the workout itself was fine. I started slow, got very fast, the ended a bit slower, so apparently Snazzy Labs is very motivational for exercise. The stats are pretty similar to what I usually see, as you may observe below (the workout went on slightly longer because I got distracted by the music at the end, which is a pretty rare thing itself):

Pace: 9:22/km (9:27 km/h)
Time: 30:11 (30:06)
Distance: 3.22 km (3.18 km)
Calories burned: 288 (281)
BPM: 135 (133)

Treadmill walk: Less lazy

Tonight I tired to really focus away from the display–both on the treadmill and on the watch, allowing my mind to wander around instead of obsessively checking whatever my current pace was. It mostly worked!

My pace was a little better and my BPM was a little lower, both good things. Distracted walking works. Or at least it did, in a small way, tonight.


Pace: 9:27/km (9:30 km/h)
Time: 30:06 (30:03)
Distance: 3.18 km (3.16 km)
Calories burned: 281 (296)
BPM: 133 (139)

Treadmill walk: Payment for lazy

I was slothful today and by evening I had to weigh the guilt of being lazy and failing to reach all but my stand goal vs. having to overcome the laziness and do a treadmill workout.

In the end I did the workout, though the last km I started to plod a little (and sweat a lot). But still, I did not surrender entirely to being lazy, so yay for me.


Pace: 9:30/km (9:16 km/h)
Time: 30:03 (40:03)
Distance: 3.16 km (4.32 km)
Calories burned: 296 (358)
BPM: 139 (134)

Inktober 2020 #13: Dune

Resisting the urge to add giant sandworms (or gum gum people), this was mostly an exercise in shading and simplicity. At one point I was going to keep going, then sat back and said, “Nope. Done!”

The dry brush used in the top half is meant to suggest a starry sky. I think it mostly works, though things went a bit awry in the lower-right area, but I decided to leave it.

Treadmill walk: The wind blows

With wind warnings in effect I opted to not go for a walk/run after work because I don’t have being clobbered up the side of the head by flying branches.

And because I had been somewhat slothful today, I worked out for 40 minutes instead of 30, hence the differences in the stats below (though pace was only a little off, really). It was a good workout, though. I wore a muscle shirt and felt macho.

Pace: 9:16/km (9:12 km/h)
Time: 40:03 (30:03)
Distance: 4.32 km (3.26 km)
Calories burned: 358 (297)
BPM: 134 (139)

Inktober 2020 #10: Hope

I have suddenly started to really struggle with the prompts and I’m not sure why, so I’m blaming 2020 in total. I was about to give up on Hope, today’s prompt, and tried just putting down the word to see what would happen. Gum Gum People followed, and so it is that they are attaching balloons to hope, to try to lift it out of the mire (which is probably 2020). There are a few things off on the drawing that I may go back and fix–I don’t like how the balloons don’t really look attached, for one, and the leftmost balloon has its reflective part out of line with the others, but we’ll see. At this point I’m just satisfied to get anything out.

I used three ink brushes in Procreate for this, continuing to expand my repertoire:

  • Studio pen (my go to, used for the Gum Gum People and balloons)
  • Brush pen (used for the letters)
  • Dry ink (used for the mire the letters are sinking into and the shading on the letters)