Run 475: Cold and slow

Run 475
Average pace: 5:33/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Distance: 5:04 km
Time: 28:04
Weather: Clear, windy
Temp: 5-6ºC
Wind: Moderate to high
BPM: 172
Stride: n/a
Weight: 160.2 pounds
Total distance to date: 3765 km
Devices/apps: Apple Watch and iPhone 6

It was downright chilly today and a strong breeze before the run made it feel cooler still. Temperatures hovered around 5 and 6ºC for the run but my long-sleeved t-shirt has extra long sleeves, so I was able to keep my hands covered until they warmed up a few km in. After that it was fine, plus those first few km made me look like I had no hands, possibly earning unintended sympathy from passersby, noting my triumph over adversity.

I didn’t feel like I was overly pushing myself but it definitely felt like I was putting in more effort. I’m not sure if it was the cold, the wind or some combination of factors but my BPM was higher, my place was slower and overall the results were not nearly as dazzling as last week. One factor was the trail itself, dotted with enough puddles and muddy stretches that a lot of dipsy-doodling was required to navigate.

I also think I’m finally past my fear of the side trail after The Big Trip. It helps that most of the foliage is stripped away now, making visibility on the trail quite good. The only real chance of tripping now comes from paying absolutely no attention.

The park itself must have had some special event going on because the parking lot near the dam was completely full. In five years of jogging at Burnaby Lake I have never seen it full, let alone full to the point people were parking on the road leading in. It was odd. Adding to the oddness, the trail was not packed with people. In fact, given the sunny conditions, there were fewer people out than I expected, though most of them were acting as if it were National Don’t Leash Your Dog Day.

Overall, the run was mildly disappointing in terms of pace, but I should be working in more runs during the week soon and my stamina will get closer to where it was in the summer. If I stay healthy this will be my first full winter of running in several years. I look forward to ice and snow hazards to go along with tree roots, dogs and hail.

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