Back when album covers were strangely disturbing

You would think Jan and Dean album covers would be pretty innocuous, right? But check out the cover of Popsicle:


I think the girl is supposed to look like she’s enjoying the Popsicle but maybe she isn’t? The expression on her face suggests unspoken horror. Is the Popsicle made from sour lemon? Is it frozen pee? Is she having a seizure and her eyes are about to roll into the back of her head?

Also, everyone knows you eat the two-stick Popsicles by breaking the Popsicle in two on the edge of the counter (while still in the paper wrapper) and giving one half to your friend. Maybe this little girl deserves her fate for her selfish ways.

This concludes my posts for the month of April.

I’m a creep, I’m a Jedi

The developers of Star Wars: The Old Republic recently added the mood “creepy” to the game. Moods are sort of fixed emotes that are meant to convey the current emotional state of your character. I’m not sure what “creepy” is meant to suggest.

Let’s look at my Jedi consular Nedolin (yes, I am very clever coming up with names):

Creepy Nedolin

The black soulless eyes and weirdly stretched proto-grin do indeed convey a level of creepiness, but it also suggest he is under a great deal of strain maintaining the look, as if he were putting on a mask. Perhaps he’s just learned his family has been trampled to death by a herd of Banthas and he is struggling to maintain his composure while at one of those interminable Jedi council meetings.

This is weird. I took another shot of Nedolin feelin’ creepy just tonight and it turned out like this:

Nedolin still creepy

Here he looks like the jerk in school who always shook you down for the candy bar your mom packed in your lunch. “You don’t need that snack, padawan. Don’t make me take it from you by force. Get it? Hahaha.”

Now I can’t decide what is more disturbing, that they added “creepy” to the game, that it apparently has different looks or that I’ve spent an entire post wondering about it.