ChatGPT Weird drawing prompt #3: A house made entirely of cheese

As the title says. I actually completed a full version of this prompt yesterday and decided to scrap it and start over. I like this version more. I may have a “rejects for your amusement” post after I’ve gone through all ten prompts.

The full prompt list:

Name 10 weird things to draw

  1. A two-headed unicorn
  2. A giant potato wearing a top hat and monocle
  3. A house made entirely of cheese
  4. A robot with a pet dragon
  5. A spaceship shaped like a giant slice of pizza
  6. A mermaid riding a unicycle
  7. A palm tree with arms and legs
  8. A giant hamster in a tutu
  9. A cactus wearing a sombrero and a bow tie
  10. A chicken playing the drums

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