Treadmill workout 146: Suddenly like a workout

Today was the first time since I upped the speed that the workout felt like a real workout. Around the 3K mark, I began to feel tired, and my pace started to flag. I picked up toward the end, but as you’ll see my lightning pace of yesterday has been tempered somewhat.

I didn’t have any issues per se, just feeling tired partway through. I can’t say for sure why this happened. Too much exercise? Not enough sleep? Incubating an alien? Who can say?


Speed: 6.7
Incline: 5

Pace: 8:44/km (8:40/km)
Time: 43:52 (43:34)
Distance: 5.02 km (5.02 km)
Calories burned: 345 (364)
BPM: 122 (127)

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