More writing prompts in the style of “Should I really use one of these?”

When lacking inspiration for writing I often find it helpful to make a list because I like lists and what better way to inspire than to write a list of writing prompts? There is no better way, I say. None! The utility of the prompts is best left as an exercise for the reader.

  1. You just had the Windows 10 music app import all of your music and it’s sorted your songs into genres such as Other, Misc, General Unclassifiable and Default. It believes Bruce Hornsby is Punk Rock. You decide to use Cortana to punish the music app, believing Windows 10’s advanced technology will allow this. What are the instructions you give to Cortana?
  2. One day you wake up and discover you’re a carrot, crisp, fresh and tasty. Your roommate eats you, ending your life. Write out your regrets that your roommate enjoyed healthy food.
  3. A giant meteor is going to destroy all life on the planet in 1,000 years. How do you plan out the rest of your life knowing this?
  4. Use these words in a story: agastopia, gabelle, jentacular, encephalalgia, jargogle, meringue
  5. A phone is ringing inside a locked room. If you can’t answer the phone something terrible will happen. Describe the breakfast you had.
  6. You are hired to do a 3D version of Citizen Kane set in outer space with aliens and laser beams and shit. Summarize your Oscar speech for Best Director.
  7. A mysterious man wants you to permanently remove ten words from the English language. All of the words will be replaced with the word “poop” because poop is funny. What’s the deal with this mysterious man and why does he find poop so funny?
  8. You go to work and everyone is in their underwear, just like in some crazy dream but you aren’t wearing any. How do you address this situation without alerting the Underwear Police?
  9. You are having an online chat with a friend who responds to everything you say with an amusing reaction gif. Invent a device that allows you to slap him right through the screen.
  10. What are things you can do in 85 weeks? List them.
  11. Write a light-hearted piece about orphans dying in a fiery bus crash
  12. Make a list: 7 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Pants

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