Still more writing prompts of dubious merit

Continuing the trek toward fifty inane writing prompts…

  1. Write a story based on the song “Heartbreak Hotel” where staying at the hotel will cause your heart to rupture, resulting in a swift, painful death. Make it a romantic comedy.
  2. You and your friends have gathered around the campfire to tell spooky stories. You begin to tell yours, “The Haunted Ketchup Packet.”
  3. Electricity is a recent discovery. Think of 12 things to do while being electrocuted.
  4. In 400 words, create your ideal pudding.
  5. Begin a story with, “His unibrow had gained sentience, just as I feared it would.”
  6. In 200 words, write about your first sexually transmitted disease.
  7. Throw a rock at a little kid in the park, then write about your adventures in jail.
  8. Godzilla and King Kong are finally getting married and you’ve been asked to write their wedding vows, then you kill them because they are big freaky monsters.
  9. Write from the perspective of a smart car with a brain tumor. Make it a romantic comedy.
  10. Using a time travel machine, the scientific genius fixes everything that was wrong with history. What sort of pants does he wear? How did they help him fix history?

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