Email follies, Part 293 (Also known as The Culling: Proton)

Yes, I changed email again. Why? Because I am mad, perhaps.

But also, I find I am less willing to do business with companies where the people in charge loudly blare their terrible views in public.

And it happens my main email service has one such person as its CEO. The company is doing damage control, stating they are non-profit, the CEO does not control the company, etc. It doesn’t matter, the rot is at the top. I’m not interested in supporting you with my dollars anymore.

So, I’ve gone from:

  • Obscure ISP-based email ( or something) 25+ years ago
  • Less obscure ISP email through Telus
  • Gmail
  • HEY
  • Outlook
  • Proton
  • A few others that were never primary addresses, some of which I still have

And now:

  • Fastmail

The one bonus in the latest move is I can now drop the “w” from my name and just use Plus, it sounds fast.

If Fastmail doesn’t work out, I am going to invest in carrier pigeons.

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