To quote Ian Betteridge, no.
But 2025 is the first time I’ll be spending a decent amount of time using Linux and not just tinkering or experimenting with it.
Its primary weaknesses remain the same for me:
- Gaming is good, but not entirely there yet.
- Graphics programs are still significantly weaker than on macOS or Windows. Some programs are reasonably powerful, like GIMP, but come hobbled with genuinely awful UIs that don’t work like any other modern program out there.
- For myself, there are a few things I miss from Windows, mostly in the functionality enabled by PowerToys, like a multi-item clipboard.
But in terms of stability, speed and general use, Linux Mint 22.1, the distro I’m using, is providing a very smooth experience and I generally prefer it to Windows 11 now.
Fake edit: I found CopyQ on Linux, described thusly:
CopyQ monitors system clipboard and saves its content in customized tabs. Saved clipboard can be later copied and pasted directly into any application.
So far, it seems to be working fine.
Here’s to the Year of Linux Frequently on the Desktop.