Despite the lack of updates, I have been working diligently away at NaNoWriMo 2014. I’ve stopped updating daily because it feels like post-padding without having something unique to say about a particular writing session, like “I was writing today when my left foot suddenly fell off and the stump starting gushing blood all over the place.”
Note that my feet are currently intact and otherwise fine. Here is a summary of the last five days. The number in parentheses is how much I exceeded the minimum of 1,667):
- Day 4: 1,668 words (+1)
- Day 5: 1,720 words (+53)
- Day 6: 1,801 words (+134)
- Day 7: 2,257 word (+590)
- Day 8: 1,966 words (+289)
Total after 8 days: 20,083 (+6,747)
The story is still a bit formless and I have little doubt the pacing is all wrong but I’m content to keep pushing and letting it find its own way, with the thought in the back of my mind that a lot of revision will be needed to get it into shape afterward. Such is the way of putting the emphasis on quantity over quality.