Another bunch o’ National Novel Writing Month updates as I chug along:
- Day 9: 1,769 (+102)
- Day 10: 1,717 (+50)
- Day 11: 2,304 (+637)
- Day 12: 2,015 (+348)
- Day 13: 2,603 (+936)
- Day 14: 1,924 (+257)
- Day 15 (halfway point): 1,806 (+139)
At the halfway point I have written 34,221 words, which is 9,221 above the minimum of 25,000. Much of the prose would make [insert name of any beloved, well-known author here] either weep openly or roll in her/his grave as appropriate, but that’s what you get when you steamroll through a novel in 30 days without any editing along the way.
I’ve come to terms with editing, though, so the thought of having to go over this sloppy story to hammer it into shape is, in a weird way, kind of exciting.
Onward to the second half of the month and a hopeful Big Finish™.