Another batch of updates for my National Novel Writing novel writing thing:
- Day 16: none (due to illness)
- Day 17: 3625 (+1,958)
- Day 18: 2296 (+629)
- Day 19: 2151 (+348)
- Day 20: 2153 (+448)
- Day 21: 2056 (+389)
- Day 22: 2009 (+342)
- Day 23: 2051 (+384)
As you can see, Day 16 was less than productive due to a bout of the flu. I made up for it by writing over twice the required text the next day while recovering. After that I maintained a 2,000+ word pace through to the 23rd when I officially passed 50,000 words and was declared a winner and got an imaginary ticker-tape parade. It’s impressive because ticker-tape isn’t easy to come by any more. My word count on Day 23 is 50,562, though the NaNoWriMo website counted a few words WriteMonkey did, so my total there is 50,677.
My current plan is to keep forging ahead and do some thinking about the plot, which is still a tad on the loose side. I’m not going to stop writing to get the plot into better shape, though, as that seems fairly begging for trouble.
Plus I’m curious to see what my word count will end up on come November 30. If I stay on pace it should be around 65,000 or so, which will still be well below what the first draft will ultimately be, for the story is a bloated and meandering thing. Come second draft it will go on a crash diet. One Cheerio per day, no more.