Handy tech support tips

Free of charge, here are three amazing tech support tips. Is your technology giving you grief? Read on!

Tech tip #1: Power cycle your device. This means turning off whatever is giving you trouble and then turning it back on. Trust me, this works way more often than you’d think, but people seldom try this before calling their favorite tech support helpline.

Tech tip #2: Don’t visit fishy websites. Your computer will end up riddled with adware, malware, trojans or other malicious software you probably don’t want on your computer. Addendum: Don’t install any programs you didn’t specifically intend to install. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are unclear about either of these things, just set your computer on fire now.

Tech tip #3: When you fill your car up with gas, do you do so by taking the nozzle of the gas hose, shoving it through an open window of the car and spraying the interior with fuel? I bet you don’t and do you know why? Because you are smart and learned how to pump gas properly. Spend some time learning how to do the tasks you need to do on your computer. The IBM PC came out in 1981. This was over 30 years ago. Computers are not new-fangled things, they are not weird nor are they the domain of nerds or geeks. They are tools and even if they haven’t advanced as much as we might have hoped for in 2016, it doesn’t change the fact that like any tool you use, you should learn how to use it. Addendum: a search engine like Google will give you most of the answers you will need, provided you search intelligently. If you are having problems printing, don’t do a search on “raspberry pants” unless you actually use raspberry pants to print.

Bonus tip: Is it plugged in? Unless it runs on batteries it should be plugged in.

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