Here are the stats for Days 2-4 of NaNoWriMo 2016:
Day 2: 1867
Day 3: 1112
Day 4: 1722
As you can see I slacked a bit on Day 3 but the buffers of the other days have kept me slightly ahead of pace. Four days in requires you to be at 6667 words and I’m sitting at 6839. Way to be a tiny bit above average!
I am not very excited by my story so far and in a way I am surprised that I have been able to keep on track and keep writing. I think the difference is this year I am taking a wider view of the effort, seeing beyond the effort of specifically writing a novel in 30 days and instead seeing the restoration of the daily (fiction) writing habit as a worthy goal unto itself, even if the novel ends up being poop.
I’m also now ahead of last year’s effort, so I’ve already achieved a victory of sorts. Hooray for me!