NaNoWriMo Day 4: And then the cold came

National novel Writing Month, Day 4
Word count: 1,745

Specifically, I caught a cold. At least I hope it’s only a cold since it’s flu season and all. It was weird how suddenly it happened. There I was in the middle of the afternoon tech-supporting away and feeling perfectly normal. Then I sneezed violently a few times and just like that I had a cold. My nose was so runny on the SkyTrain ride home from work it grossed me out.

I sit here tonight with a headache, tired, and with a nose that can’t decide if it wants to be stuffed up or runny, so it switches off constantly between the two. I have written no more words on my stalled story or new story or whatever story. I sit here with my mouth hanging open, not because I am stunned by my lack of progress with NaNoWriMo this year, but because it makes it easier to breathe.

I will take drugs and sleep, just like Elvis. But I will stop before getting carried away with it like Elvis. Then perhaps tomorrow I will feel better and write a million or so words to catch up.

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