Run 474
Average pace: 5:20/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 5:05 km
Time: 26:58
Weather: Rain, cloudy
Temp: 6ºC
Wind: light
BPM: 162
Stride: n/a
Weight: 160.2 pounds
Total distance to date: 3760 km
Devices/apps: Apple Watch and iPhone 6
I was going to run on Saturday but the weather was monsoon-like all day and I did not feel like running in a monsoon, so I settled on my usual Sunday run.
Come this morning and the weather was monsoon-like again. I waited and it got better, then reverted to monsoon-like. It kept doing this until mid-afternoon at which point I either had to head out regardless or skip the run as it would be too dark to do more than bumble about and run into a tree.
By the time I headed out the rain had eased to a light shower and it actually stopped for most of the run before resuming with more light showers at the end. I caught another break as the wind was low and stayed that way until the walk back, when it started picking up. It was fairly chilly at 6ºC, especially combined with the rain, and it took about two km before my hands didn’t feel like fleshy ice blocks.
I encountered a total of six people: two couples, one with a dog, and two people walking solo, one also with a dog. The couple with the dog had the dog on a leash and it was struggling mightily to get to me. They were smart dog owners.
The woman walking alone had her dog off-leash and was playing some cutesy game where she and the dog stood about 25 or 30 meters apart and she excitedly called the dog to her and it came running and (fortunately) kept running past me instead of seeing how tasty I was (it looked like a Doberman or a Doberman cross). She was a dumb dog owner. I later saw she had put the dog on a leash, possibly because she encountered the other couple with their dog, so I guess she was semi-smart in the end.
Oh right, the actual run.
My pace is usually faster on the river trail and that held true today, with my pace coming in at 5:20/km vs. last week’s 5:31/km. BPM was also slightly down, so that was nice. I still need to get back to more than one run per week, though. This feels like treading water, except there’s no water, I’m just treading.
Still, this was an entirely decent run, especially given the conditions and my enthusiasm for going out into the perfectly ordinary late November weather.