Run 489: Slower but with bonus post-run intervals

Run 489
Average pace: 5:47/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Start: 12:01 pm
Distance: 5.04 km
Time: 29:14
Weather: Partly cloudy
Temp: 13ºC
Wind: light to moderate
BPM: 167
Weight: 165.3 pounds
Total distance to date: 3835 km
Devices/apps: Apple Watch, iPhone

I was bad and did not run during the week so this was my first run in seven days.

My weight and BPM were lower, which is good.

My pace was slower, which is…okay. I actually started faster than last week but flagged noticeably by the third km, which dragged down my average pace. It’s a bit disappointing but not unexpected.

I also deliberately slowed my pace around the 2K mark when I began feeling a shoulder cramp. Cramps usually mean I’m pushing too hard, so I eased up until it went away.

Strangely, I felt a strong urge to pick up the pace on the walk home, which is around 9 km or so. As a result, I started doing quasi-intervals where I walked for a while then would start jogging for stretches of up to half a km. I did this about five times in total and it brought the overall pace of my walk back down to 8:41/km. It would normally be around 9:10/km. It was nutty but also a precursor to starting longer runs.

I’ll want to get a few weeks of multiple runs per week before starting that, I think.

The right heel proved to be a non-issue, though it feels a bit tender tonight. It always seems worse later when I am not walking on it much. As I continue to walk it paradoxically feels better. I’m sure this is a known thing, I just haven’t bothered to look it up yet.

The weather was cooperative, if still unseasonably cool, topping around 13ºC. The sky cleared early so most of the run was sunny, which has been a weird sensation so far this year. A few times it almost felt warm.

And once again on the walk out from the lake, I encountered a pair of cyclists. These dopes, a pair of guys in their teens, were moving along pretty slowly, suggesting they knew they shouldn’t be there but were at least being a little considerate while being general jerks. So pseudo-kudos to them.

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