Run 872: So very slightly faster

View from Cariboo Dam, pre-run.

Today was the second half of the 5K run I started…a week ago. I swear I’ll be running regularly now!

My goal today was simple:

  • Start early to beat the heat (though the high today is 26C, which is not too bad)
  • Get an average pace under six minutes


I started near the Jiffy John® and had the following times for my abbreviated run:

  • 1K: 5:54
  • 2K: 5:59
  • 3K: 5:52

After the second km, I knew I had very little wiggle room, so I put in a wee bit of extra effort and managed to get my average pace to a slow but still under six minute pace of 5:55/km. Woo.

The temperature and humidity were both fine, so no dry mouth or other discomfort, other than just being somewhat out of shape again.

I chose not to time the walk around the rest of the lake, but did time the walk back from the lake, with my Training Status going from Recovery to Maintaining. That’s also fine. Everything was fine, or fine-like.

This was the first run with my snazzy new Speedgoat 6 shoes, and they were…fine! They are basically the same as the Speedgoat 5s, so no real difference in terms of fit or feel, which is good.

Overall, a perfectly cromulent way to start the week.

View from Phillips Point, post-run.


Run 872
Average pace: 5:55/km

Training status: Maintaining
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Start: 10:08 a.m.
Distance: 3.03 km
Time: 17:56
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 19-20°C
Humidity: 71-70%
Wind: light
BPM: 156
Weight: 168.8
Total distance to date: 6,220 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 6 (5/13/18)

Run 871: So very tired

View from Cariboo Dam, pre-run.

Last night I had a terrible sleep, getting hours less than normal and not doing great with the hours I did nominally sleep. I then had a terrible early morning. My Garmin Forerunner did something it’s never done before: Given me a rest day, not sue to overreaching on my workouts, but from lack of sleep.

I went out, anyway, leaving early to beat the proverbial (and real) heat. On this count, I succeeded, as it was 23C when I started and 24C when I ended, which is quite warm for mid-morning (and the humidity made it feel warmer), but much better than the early afternoon high of 32C.

When I select Run as a workout, the watch always has a suggested workout, which I inevitably skip, but I’m always interested in what it offers. Today the suggested workout was: Rest Day, due to “excessive fatigue.” It also offered something to the effect of, “If you insist on running, keep it short and gentle.”

Which I did.

I opted for a 2K run, as that would put me near the Nature House at the end, and close to a drinking fountain. I started at the fountain by the dam and ended the run just as I crossed the foot bridge at Eagle Creek, then visited the aforementioned fountain.

The run was slow, by design, with an average pace of 6:10/km, which is pretty slothful for a mere 2 km. But it went without issue and my training status was Productive afterwards.

I opted to not time any of the walk back because I knew the watch would yell at me, plus this would allow me to adopt a more leisurely pace and to stop and take photos and such. And that is exactly how it played out.

After the first five km or so (after the brief run, the walking part after would encompass about 12 km total), I began to feel tired. Later, I began to feel very tired.

I have remained very tired since. I do not remember the last time I was this very tired.

On the one hand, I’m glad I went out and did something–I needed to get out and touch trees. On the other, so very tired. I am hoping I sleep well tonight.

Bonus side note: I turned over my left running shoe and discovered this particular Speedgoat had a rather large hole in the bottom. I have no idea when it formed. I opted to wear my old Saucony Peregrine 13s, which have intact heels but are wearing out on the top, which is kind of strange, really.

But I was reminded how I don’t like them much–the laces tie in a way that the bow sits at the top point of my foot and tends to bind a bit. It’s not terrible, but it is annoying. I will have to search for new Speedgoats or a goat-like alternative.


Run 871
Average pace: 5:53/km

Training status: Productive
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Start: 9:26 a.m.
Distance: 2.03 km
Time: 12:30
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 23-24°C
Humidity: 63-60%
Wind: light
BPM: 148
Weight: 167.7
Total distance to date: 6,217 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 5 (355/685/1,044 km) Saucony Peregrine 13

Run 870: The micro run

View from Cariboo Dam, pre-run.

Today I got carried away with stuff in the morning and pondered putting off my usual Friday run. Instead, I opted to head out later than usual–at 1:30. This meant that it was already 27°C when I got to the lake.

Undaunted, and reasonably well-hydrated, I set off clockwise along the largely exposed Avalon Trail, knowing it would eventually lead me to the much more shady Southshore Trail with its pine trees and squirrels and such. My first km pace was 5:54/km–pretty slow, but fine, because:

  • I’m still out of shape from lack of running
  • I am not 100% recovered from my summer cold (lung capacity is reduced)
  • It was much warmer than what I am used to

Then, partway through the second km, I got a text message. It was strata stuff. I shouldn’t have looked, but I did. I paused to note I was on a run and to hold off on further notices. But the damage was done. I could no longer focus on the run, and the heat wasn’t helping, either. I stopped at 1.31 km total, with an average pace of 5:53/km. :sadtrombone:

However, I still got a Training Status of Productive after the short run. Yay! But then after the 4K walk back, it switched to Overreaching again. Whoops.

Anyway, I’m including the usual stats below, but I’ve opted not to count the run part in the total distance, because it would drive my OCD batty to have the total distance end in 1.31.

Post-run shot taken west of Cariboo Dam.
Run 870
Average pace: 5:53/km

Training status: Productive (after run), Overreaching (after 4 km walk home)
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Start: 2:21 p.m.
Distance: 1.31 km
Time: 7:41
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 27°C
Humidity: 47%
Wind: light
BPM: 148
Weight: 168.1
Total distance to date: 6,215 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 5 (355/685/1,044 km)

Run 869: Two runs, one week

Brunette River, post-run.

Yes, in an amazing turn of events, I have run not once, but twice in the same week. Woo!

Today I opted to run the easier river trail, as a way of easing back into a semi-regular run routine. I was hoping for two things: lower BPM and a faster pace. And I got both. Also woo!

My BPM was 153 overall and my pace was 6:01/km, down seven seconds from Monday. I am slightly disappointed I didn’t break six minutes, but the first km pace was oddly the same as Monday–5:50–when I would have expected it to be faster. I can only assume I was subconsciously running slower to help conserve energy. Still, I’m pleased with the results.

Conditions were very similar to Monday, but the slightly cooler temperature and stronger breeze made it feel a bit more comfy, which was nice in the way a Jamaican patty is nice. And they are nice.

Also nice was the relative lack of other people, as it was just a regular weekday.

Overall, I’m happy with how it turned out. We’ll see how Friday goes, as it is looking to be Africa hot.

It is getting increasingly tricky to shoot the river over the incredibly lush vegetation.


Run 869
Average pace: 6:01/km

Training status: Overreaching (whoops)
Location: Brunette River Trail
Start: 10:56 a.m.
Distance: 5.03 km
Time: 30:13
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 18-19°C
Humidity: 68-67%
Wind: light to moderate
BPM: 153
Weight: 167.9
Total distance to date: 6,215 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 5 (355/685/1,040 km)

Run 868: Fixing a hole

View from Cariboo Dam, pre-run.

It has been 18 days since my first 5K in two months. This was not my intention.

But after running on June 13th, I came down with a summer cold, curiously around the same time one struck last year. And so it was I had to wait until I was mostly recovered before officially tackling a 5K again. I knew that the combo of not running much plus not being 100% would affect my pace, and it did. I turned in my first 6+ minute pace in quite some time, coming in at 6:08/km.

Which wasn’t so bad vs. how I felt, because by the end that 5 km was feeling more like 500.

On the plus side, I am suffering no ill effects post-run, and didn’t have any issues while running, other than feeling very slow and tired. I completed the first km with a pace of 5:50, but could feel myself slowing in the second, where I dropped to 6:08. I dropped to 6:18 on the third and decided to cheat just a little.

At the 3K marker (the actual marker, I had already passed 3 km total), I paused the run, then walked to Phillips Point, which, according to Google Maps, is about a 168 m round-trip. There were a couple of people fishing there, which was a bit weird, so I only paused for a moment before heading back to the 3K marker and resuming the run. This allowed my heart rate to drop from 158 to 141, which definitely helped on the last two km, which had paces of 6:13 and 6:10.

After finishing the run, I made a beeline across the field to the drinking fountain at the playground and supped on it like a very thirsty runner.

Another plus: My training status went from Recovery to Productive. Woo!

Although humidity was high, my lips felt a bit dry, though I didn’t experience any notable dry mouth. I hate dry mouth.

And as it was Canada Day, the trail was more crowded than usual, but all dogs were leashed and people were attentive, even considerate! Hooray for polite Canadians.

Oh, and the title refers to the numerous potholes along the trail that have recently been patched. Some sections could still use a full resurfacing, but no signs of it yet. And speaking of resurfacing, of a sort, the first boardwalk as you go clockwise is canting at even more diverse angles than before. It is over two years since the signs there went up noting that “repairs are planned.” Hopefully they will happen before the boardwalk sinks into the marsh.

Overall, it was good to get back out, good to prove I could still do 5K, and hopefully the next run will be a bit easier and happen in a few days and not a few weeks.

A lake of lily pads, post-run.


Run 868
Average pace: 6:08/km

Training status: Productive
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Start: 11:29 a.m.
Distance: 5.03 km
Time: 30:51
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 20°C
Humidity: 68-66%
Wind: light
BPM: 155
Weight: 169.0
Total distance to date: 6,210 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 5 (350/681/1031 km)

Run 867: Thursday! 5K!

View from Carioob Dam, pre-run.

I was bad/lazy and did not run on Monday or Wednesday. The forecast said today would be sunny and pleasant, and the next three days after would be wet and yucky. I pondered. And then decided I would go out today and do that 5K I had been promising myself I would do for weeks.

And I did!

Conditions were similar to the last run, and though it was a few degrees cooler, it felt about the same, due to slightly higher humidity. Dry mouth was not a big issue, however I did find myself wishing I had brought water with me, because I don’t just have dry mouth, I have DMAPT1Dry Mouth And Phlegmy Throat. I don’t know why I have so much phlegm in my throat and I may consult my doctor again to discuss it. What it means for running is that when I have a dry mouth, my throat is so filled with gunk that it becomes hard to swallow, which is already a bit of a challenge with regular dry mouth. It was only a notable issue at one point, but that was enough to make me pine for my water bottle.

Other than that, the run went pretty much as I expected. The knees were fine, my stamina was well off its peak. Each km I got slower until I just edged past 6:00/km on the fourth lap. I picked up the pace for Lap 5 to 5:55 and that lifted my overall pace to 5:53/km. Sluggish, but unsurprising. I actually didn’t find myself struggling, I just chugged along until I hit 5K.

My sometimes iffy right hip was also fine until the walk home. It is fine again now that I am not walking.

Several bad people had their dogs off-leash, but on the river trail, so my run was unaffected.

Overall, I’m glad I finally got another 5K in, even if it took almost exactly two months–my last 5K was on April 12, the day I re-injured the right knee. Yoinks.

Still Creek, post-run.


Run 867
Average pace: 5:53/km

Training status: Productive
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Start: 10:35 a.m.
Distance: 5.03 km
Time: 29:37
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 17°C
Humidity: 59%
Wind: light
BPM: 156
Weight: 169.4
Total distance to date: 6,205 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 5 (345/663/1008 km)

Run 866: Son of son of baby run

View from Cariboo Dam, pre-run

My goal today was simple: Run a short 2.5 km loop, completing the 5K I started on Wednesday.

I did this, but then:

  • Ignored the short loop part and just ran the full 2.5K, going clockwise.
  • I spotted myself 500 meters, then began tracking a 7K walk around the lake.
  • And obviously walked the 4 km back from the lake.

Conditions were pleasantly warm, around 20C, and humidity was high enough to stave off dry mouth. I started out with a spring 5:38/km pace, but knew that wouldn’t last. Fortunately, with only a 2.5 km run, it didn’t have to. My second km slipped to 5:48/km, and I ended with a perfectly cromulent average of 5:45/km. My BPM was slightly higher, likely due to a combo of the faster pace and higher temperature.

I spied several naughty cyclists on the trail–may they get double flats–and not one, but two mowers, each operating on either side of a footbridge along the Cottonwood Trail (which was very much littered with cottonwood dander). I am guessing the mowers would probably cause the bridge to collapse. The first mower was idling near the bridge, taking a break. The second was actively working, but saw me and paused. Prior to this, he was lifting the mower up very high, as if he wanted to mow the trees. I’m pretty sure you don’t mow trees.

My stamina is still pretty bad. I could really feel it toward the end of the run. Still, I plan on doing a full 5K on Monday. I’ll just pace myself. Slowly pace myself.

On the plus side, my training status went from Recovery to Maintaining to Productive over the combo of walks and the run. And as I type this, my knees seem OK. So maybe they are OK. Maybe.

Also, I hit a milestone of sorts–6,200 km tracked on runs!

A bunch of adult geese and their surly teens emerged from Still Creek post-run, but didn’t seem to mind me, so I was able to get this photo:

Poopmonsters and teen poopmonsters, emerging from Still Creek


Run 866
Average pace: 5:45/km

Training status: Maintaining
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Start: 11:22 a.m.
Distance: 2.50 km
Time: 14:23
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 20-21°C
Humidity: 57-56%
Wind: light
BPM: 156
Weight: 169.1
Total distance to date: 6,200 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 5 (340/650/990 km)

Run 864: Baby runner, Part 2

View from Cariboo Dam, pre-run

Whoops, it took me two weeks to do the second part of my split 5K. I think I am paranoid about the knees now. Or at least the right knee, aka The Bad Knee.

But today I went out and did the other 3K, and now my total run distance is a nice round number again, my OCD satisfied.

Also, my knees survived. As with the last time, it was more about the stamina and less about how my legs were doing. I started out with a fine pace of 5:42/km, then surprisingly maintained that pace for the second km, flagging a bit at the end at 5:51/km, for a still decent overall average of 5:46/km. I didn’t detect any issues while running, nor any immediately after, as I type this.

Conditions were very similar to two weeks ago, though there was a bit of puddle-dodging after it rained all day yesterday. It was once more an afternoon run, because I both hemmed and hawed before finally heading out. I was planning on taking the side trails and looping back on the main trail, but did the opposite because a person was jogging ahead of me, but was moving slower, so I knew I would pass her, but she was turning off onto the Spruce Loop and there were three people ahead of her, forming a big ol’ bottleneck. I opted to bypass the whole mess by sticking to the surprisingly free main trail.

I am doing weekday birding again on Friday, so unsure of the exact day I’ll head out next, but I’ll be doing a full 5K. We’ll see if my knees explode, implode, or just stay attached. For now, I am cautiously optimistic.

Shot from the starting location of the run. Squint and you can see the distant towers of Metrotown.


Run 864
Average pace: 5:46/km

Training status: Maintaining
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW, short loop)
Start: 2:54 p.m.
Distance: 3:03 km
Time: 17:28
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 16°C
Humidity: 57%
Wind: light to moderate
BPM: 153
Weight: 168.9
Total distance to date: 6195 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 5 (335/626/961 km)

Run 863: Baby runner

View from Cariboo Dam, pre-run

Today was finally the day! After my last run on April 12th, I discovered a new (but not improved) Baker’s cysts behind my right knee, almost exactly a year after the last one. The training status for that run was Strained, which I found alarming. I had to take some time off, to let my right knee heal.

The bumpity-bump is still there, though it’s a tad smaller, and it doesn’t actually hurt or anything. The past week, I’ve been building up to running again by doing a series of exercise-type walks, working on more and more stretches of running. Today, I decided it was time to just run.

But then I balked, a bit. I opted, instead, to split my usual 5K run in two, doing a 2K today and a 3K on Friday and, assuming nothing explodes, implodes or falls off, I will resume regular 5K runs next week.

When I got to the lake, I found the parking lot was closed.

Weed whackers everywhere. Also the name of my upcoming autobiography.

As I did not come by car, nor am I a car myself, this was not an issue, but there was a guy on the trail near where I had wanted to start with a weed whacker, so my original plan of going counter-clockwise reversed to clockwise.

Although I felt trepidation, the run itself was fine. 2K seems really short. It’s just a little over 11 minutes, which feels like completing the warm-up part, then stopping. But I stuck to the plan. My first km was a brisk 5:35, then I slipped to 5:44/km, as the reality of running more than a few minutes hit me. My shins were tender to start, but as mentioned in the last walk-run post, this is normal for having not run in a long while.

But my BPM was a nice 150, the weather was pleasant, and I feel fine now. My training status went from Maintaining to Tempo, and after the walk back to the lake, is now back to Productive. Woo.

Random note: I tried to “fix” my sagging SPI-Belt (which I really ought to replace) by tying a knot into it and…it worked! It didn’t budge at all during the run. But I should still get a new one.

Semi-annual accidental photo. You can probably guess where I was at the time.


Run 863
Average pace: 5:38/km

Training status: Tempo
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW, short loop)
Start: 2:23 p.m.
Distance: 2:03 km
Time: 11:27
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 17°C
Humidity: 51%
Wind: light
BPM: 150
Weight: 170.5
Total distance to date: 6192 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 5 (332/618/950 km)

Run 862: Left knee, right knee

View from Cariboo Dam, pre-run
GRISLY UPDATE: Well, not really grisly, I just wanted to be dramatic. I noticed after getting home that my right knee felt...funny. I gave it a good look-see and alas, there is an unmistakable Baker's cyst lurking in the back. It is a mystery how it developed so quickly, as my running has been very spotty lately. But maybe they do that. Anyway, we'll see how it evolves over the next few days while I not-run.

Also, who would want a cyst named after them? I mean, yuck.

Weirdly, I started today’s run at nearly the exact same time as Wednesday. Although it promised to be cloudy and slightly cooler, I opted again for a t-shirt and, again, was fine.

Conditions actually turned out better than expected, with the sun regularly appearing from behind the high cloud. At times, it even felt a tad humid, given the showers earlier in the morning.

There were two issues today: my left knee and my right knee.

The left knee felt a bit janky early on (I stretched before the run), in a way that made me feel like everything wasn’t quite in the right place. This sorted itself after a minute or so. Later in the run, something similar happened with the right knee, and it also sorted itself out in a minute or thereabouts. I’m very wary of knee issues after last year, but I don’t think these incidents are a cause for concern. I note them here just in case, so I can point to them and offer myself a Nelson Muntz-style, “Ha ha!” in case this is the beginning of another long episode of When Knees Go Bad.

Other than that, the run went well. I had the same middle sag, but turned in a better overall pace because I only lost a little speed on the second km. The trail was mostly clear and puddle-dodging was minimal. The “Strained” training status is likely a combo of my HRV status taking a nosedive in the last few days, along with my sleep score from last night saying I was awake too much and might not feel rested today. Or something. Who knows how all this stuff fits together.

And now, a weekend to rest ‘n recover.

View of Burnaby Lake from turtle nesting area, post-run.


Run 862
Average pace: 5:46/km

Training status: Strained (!)
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Start: 11:03 a.m.
Distance: 5:03 km
Time: 28:59
Weather: Sun and cloud mix
Temp: 10°C
Humidity: 81-79%
Wind: light
BPM: 152
Weight: 168.8
Total distance to date: 6190 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 5 (330/610/940 km)

Run 861: Birb crazy

View from Cariboo Dam, pre-run. Definitely looking more spring-like than 11 days ago.

This was my first run in 11 days. If you read the previous post, you’ll see I had both good and bad reasons for missing the last four or five runs. Today, it promised to be sunny, mild, and I had no real excuses, so out I went.

And it was fine!

I opted for a t-shirt and with the wind low and the sun mostly out (and feeling a tiny bit warm now that spring is here), I was not at all cold or uncomfortable. I walked to the lake and did a short loop going counter-clockwise, starting by the fountain and then turning back right at the 3K marker. I ended my run just before reaching the 1K marker.

After being in a glum mood for a while (also see the previous post), I found it darkly amusing that these three songs popped up in consecutive order as I started my run:

  • Goodbye Cruel World (Pink Floyd)
  • It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) (R.E.M.)
  • Everyday is Like Sunday (Morrissey)

(For those unaware, “Everyday is Like Sunday” regularly calls for the coming of Armageddon and atomic bombs.)

Despite the downer tunes, the run went well, with no issues, even after the week-and-a-half layoff. I started out OK with a pace of 5:47/km (I was keen to not push things) and ended strong with 5:38/km, while being a bit pokier in the middle. My BPM was actually the same as the last run, which is actually not bad at all.

As for the birbs, they were indeed everywhere. I swear the same song sparrow I nearly stepped on was on the trail ahead of me again. It really didn’t want to move and instead just keep flying low and stopping a short distance ahead of me. I’d get close, it repeated, until I finally actually moved over to the left to give it more room, and it seemed content to stay. It was still pecking around the same area when I looped back later. I also saw a pair of Steller’s jays at the same spot I’d seen a pair before (the intersection of the main trail and Conifer Loop). There are clearly shenanigans happening.

I also saw a pair of squirrels either fighting over a log or doing a squirrel courtship over a log. I am not a squirrelologist, so I couldn’t tell.

I also saw lots of robins, towhees, juncos and what I think was the rump of a Northern flicker heading into some trees. To clarify, the entire bird headed into the trees, I could only see the rump part of it. I even saw a pair of hooded mergansers drifting down the river post-run. Everywhere you go, it’s gonna be birds.

As a bonus, Metro Vancouver was finally convinced spring is here and the water fountain by the dam is open again. I sampled its deliciously cold water.

Hooray! (until October)

Another sign of spring: little bitty lily pads are starting to dot the surface of the lake again.

It was nice to be out again.

A squrrel atop a stump, post-run. (Post-run for me, not the squirrel.)


Run 861
Average pace: 5:49/km

Training status: Maintaining
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW, short loop)
Start: 11:06 a.m.
Distance: 5:03 km
Time: 29:17
Weather: Sun and high cloud mix
Temp: 11-12°C
Humidity: 57-55%
Wind: light
BPM: 153
Weight: 168.9
Total distance to date: 6190 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 5 (330/610/940 km)

Run 860: A trail less taken

View from Cariboo Dam, pre-run. Calm and mild.

I did run on Monday or Wednesday. I sort of had an excuse on Monday, but Wednesday was just me not feeling like it (the weather was bad, too). Today, even though it’s a stat holiday, I headed out. It helped that the weather was mild and pleasant–actually feeling warmer than the reported temperature.

Because it’s Good Friday, I expected more people than usual on the trail and as I started out, running clockwise, I had a wacky idea, which was to head down the Avalon Trail and then, instead of turning onto the South Shore Trail and the usual loop around the lake, to keep going straight onto the Freeway Trail, which is noisy and not very scenic.

And I did!

I ran around 2 km, basically the entire length before it becomes paved, and turned off at the second-to-last point to get back onto the main loop. I encountered two people walking and a giant group of cyclists, though they passed by without incident. I was otherwise by myself, save for the constant roar of the traffic from the highway, which is surprisingly close to the trail at some points.

As for the run itself, I started strong at 5:35/km, then flagged to 5:53/km. I got my proverbial mojo back and finished at a perfectly cromulent 5:44/km, an improvement over my last pace. Unlike the last run, I didn’t experience any issues. The weather probably helped.

It was nice to get back out.

Still Creek, post-run. The ripples are from a diving cormorant.


Run 860
Average pace: 5:44/km
Training status: Maintaining
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Start: 12:26 p.m.
Distance: 5:02 km
Time: 28:49
Weather: Partly cloudy
Temp: 10-11C
Humidity: 69-65%
Wind: light
BPM: 153
Weight: 169.0
Total distance to date: 6185 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 5 (325/602/927 km)