Run 568: Like a bear in the woods

Run 568
Average pace: 5:57/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Start: 12:29 pm
Distance: 10.03 km
Time: 59:41
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 8-10ºC
Humidity: 86%
Wind: nil
BPM: 161
Weight: 166.6 pounds
Total distance to date: 4425 km
Devices: Apple Watch, iPhone 8

I was bad and did not run last weekend–but I was also good because I used an elliptical trainer for half an hour on both Saturday and Sunday. While the combined calorie burn is similar to a 10K, there is no doubt that it’s an easier experience, so I was ready for today to be a bit tougher.

Because there was a chance of rain I wore a long-sleeved shirt, but it stayed dry and was quite mild.

The iPhone 8 again was consistently reporting distances as shorter. Suddenly 4 km was not really 4m so to walk 4 km I had to walk more than 4 km. Kind of annoying but no so far out of whack that I feel compelled to spend time researching the issue. Plus a little extra walking and running is fine, anyway.

I was unsure of the status of the bridge at Still Creek–the original end of the replacement project is this month and as of two weeks ago they’d done essentially nothing–so I chose a clockwise route. This would allow me to get to 5K regardless, and allow me to turn back to get the other 5K. This didn’t prove to be necessary because while the project has advanced (new additions to signs note that Phase I began on January 25) the only change was several large piles of dangerous-looking rocks near the bridge, along the river bank.

Surprisingly, my legs felt pretty much fine, though I had a few moments of creakiness in my right knee (the good one). The lack of running may be having the side benefit of healing. I did feel some cramping in the abdomen and it persisted for awhile, though it wasn’t too severe. It was hard to imagine it was from running too fast because I did not feel too fast. Or fast.

Still, I kept going and there was no doubt I’d complete a full 10K, so even though the pace was pokey–5:57/km–the BPM was fine (161) and I generally felt okay.

The bear in the woods part came around the 9.27 km mark. I had used the bathroom before heading out (I’ve learned my lesson) and even took a quick whiz upon arrival, but a little over halfway through it became clear that I would have to commit to number 2. Just past the 9K mark the urge to go was becoming, let’s say, a force of nature. It would take me 6-7 minutes to finish the run and get to the Jiffy John™ and those minutes felt like hours. I made a bold decision.

I paused the run and leapt off the trail like a deer spooked by a poopmonster. Then I committed the deed behind a large tree. Just in time, as I passed someone shortly after resuming the run and frankly the big tree didn’t really provide as much cover as you would expect from a big tree.

The rest of the run felt much better.

I should also point out that my weight loss regime has gone completely bonkers and I weighed 3.2 pounds more at the start of today’s run vs. the last one. Yeesh. At least I finished lighter (TMI, I know. sorry.)

Overall I was glad to get back out again, and doubly glad to do so without being in the rain. Triply so for the BPM staying reasonable.

I can feel the legs already stiffening up. There will be a reckoning for all those regular runs I’ve skipped. Stiff legs, basically.

Still, progress! This time last year I was still not able to run outside at all due to the Snowpocalypse and the mild temperatures means there is little chance of a sudden repeat this year. Yay.

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