Treadmill run 6: Keeping the cookies down

FYI, I have done more than six runs on a treadmill, but this was the sixth on my own treadmill. Even though I’ve used the treadmill a lot (especially in 2022) it’s been mostly for fast walks, not actual runs. But today I ran!

Most of the time.

Looking over the precious few previous runs, I opted for a speed of 9, which works out to 6:40/km–a slow running pace for outdoors, but not bad for a treadmill. I expected my legs to catch fire because running and walking use quite different muscles, but to my surprise and delight that did not happen.

But my stamina for jogging is not quite there yet and a few times, maybe for about three minutes total, I slowed the pace down to 7 or 6.5 (my usual; treadmill walking pace until I recovered enough to ramp back up. I went 30 minutes instead of trying for 5 km, but the ultimate goal will be to push on for at least 5 km. until I recovered enough to ramp back up. I went 30 minutes instead of trying for 5 km, but the ultimate goal will be to push on for at least 5 km.

A couple of observations:

  • I listened to music, figuring it might be difficult to watch videos, with the head bobbing and all. This meant my eyes naturally fell to the treadmill display. This was bad because staring at the time made it feel like it was passing very slowly. I’m going back to videos or covering the display next time with a towel.
  • As noted, the legs held up fine. I guess all the slow burn walking workouts have helped!
  • I sweated a lot more.
  • At about the 28-minute mark, I suddenly felt I might throw up. I slowed to a walking pace for a minute, then switched back to running for the last 60 seconds.I think this happened due to an excessive amount of phlegm clogging my throat and getting jiggled around (yeah, gross). I am going to talk to my doctor about this, as this much phlegm seems strange and weird.

Other than the relative lack of stamina and the near-hurling right at the end, I thought it went fairly well. It is showery today, otherwise I might have tried outside. Maybe next time!


Pace: 6:52/km
Speed: 9 (6:40/km) and 6.5 (9:13/km)
Time: 30:11
Distance: 4.39
Calories burned: 347
BPM: 154

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