Walk 86 and 87: Slightly less weirdly warm weather

Nine days since my last official™ walk, and it only got up to 18C while I was out–which is still above normal.

For whatever reason, I was feeling peppy (maybe listening to music helped) and had a pretty good walking pace. I didn’t really run, nor had I planned to, other than a brief sprint here and there. It was nice. The sun was warm. A lot of trees are still looking pretty green, probably thinking it’s still summer, because it effectively still is.

I ended up walking to the lake because nature called, and the Jiffy John had the answer.

I took a few photos while out and aboot. Here’s one of the little pond they added as part of the 2012 restoration project along the Brunette River:

Stats (I broke the walk into two parts because I goofed around at the lake for a bit):

Walk 86
Average pace: 9:10/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 4.31 km
Time: 39:30
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 16 °C
Humidity: 65%
Wind: light
BPM: 111
Weight: 158.8 pounds
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12
Total distance to date: 653.44 km

Walk 87
Average pace: 8:53/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 4.40 km
Time: 39:09
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 18 °C
Humidity: 62%
Wind: light
BPM: 114
Weight: 158.8 pounds
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12
Total distance to date: 657.84 km

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