Run 592
Average pace: 5:49/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Start: 12:12 pm
Distance: 5:03 km
Time: 29:22
Weather: Smoke haze
Temp: 20-21ºC
Humidity: 60%
Wind: light
BPM: 162
Weight: 161 pounds
Total distance to date: 4540 km
Devices: Apple Watch, iPhone 8
The wind shifted again and the smoke haze was back, again giving the light a weird alien cast, sort of a sunset yellow, but at noon.
On the plus side the temperature was comfy at 20ºC. On the negative, the humidity made it feel a lot warmer and I sweated copiously. My BPM was also up a bit as a result, though 162 is not bad.
I all but ignored the knees for most of the run, only becoming peripherally aware of them at the end. More noticeable was a tinge in my right hip, something I haven’t felt for awhile. It persisted for a few km, but then faded away. There were no other issues to note, other than the aforementioned sweating.
The oddest part of the run, other than seeing no cyclists–I’m kidding, there were a pair of cyclists–was how my pace went in reverse, as I got faster on each km, as if I was literally warming up. Which I was. My starting km was 5:55/km, as was my second, but I was down to 5:44/km by the last km. Still not lightning fast, but given the conditions and virtual lack of breeze, still pretty decent, especially given how many runs it took me to finally get back under 6:00/km.
Overall, then, a perfectly cromulent run and a further extension of my regular run routine. I may yet try a full 10K run around the lake before summer is officially over.