Walk 36: Run most

Today was 10 degrees cooler than yesterday, which sounds bad, but is actually great for running. It was overcast with a light breeze, so no sun beating down on me. It is free to beat down on me when I am not running, however.

Maybe due to the cooler temperature, I seemed to have more zip than expected and started running a bit on the way up the trail (I normally don’t start the run part until I’ve reached the end of the trail and turn around to head back). I ran off and on until I got to the turnaround point, then started running…and didn’t stop until I got all the way back to the start of the trail. This was unexpected.

All I had to do was just ease up a little on my run speed and as if by magicke I found a comfortable pace and was able to keep going. It was nice. I’ll need to follow the Eagles’ advice more often and take it easy.

As a result, my stats are quite a bit different from the last few walks–shorter time, faster pace and a slightly higher BPM, but still perfectly fine.


Walk 36
Average pace: 7:30/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.30 km
Time: 54:59
Weather: Overcast
Temp: 16ºC
Humidity: 55%
Wind: light
BPM: 140
Weight: 178 pounds
Total distance to date: 273.94 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12

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