I returned to the lake today and ran a 5K clockwise in what I used to refer to as the “easy” way around the lake, because it seems to slop somewhat more downhill. In retrospect, I don’t think it’s much different. Visually it’s more interesting because you’ve got boardwalks, some close-ups of the lake itself, plus fields and the possibility of encountering a horse.
I did not see any horses today.
The weather was pleasantly warm, but a tad humid, so I was both sweating and feeling a bit parched by the end. I felt a stitch threaten on my left side at one point, but kept a steady of somewhat sloggy pace, and emerged unscathed.
Because today was Labor Day, the trail was packed full of people who apparently say the following to themselves on every stat holiday: “Well, I guess I should go out and see nature or something.” Fortunately, all dogs were leashed, people with bikes were pushing them instead of riding, and everyone was generally aware and polite, save for one guy walking with what may have been his son and wife and was utterly oblivious to my presence and completely blocked my way around him until I was almost literally breathing down his neck. Technically that doesn’t count, as I had already finished the 5K, but even though the run felt like it took a lot of effort, I found enough gas to run on and off as I made my way to the end of the lake loop.
The two runs at the lake have been remarkably consistent–pace has been very similar, and my BPM has been exactly the same each time. This also marks my sixth run of the year, now putting me ahead of all 2020. Woo for clearing an admittedly low bar!
Not to go all TMI, but I went to the bathroom before heading out due to the Embarrassing Incident on the previous run. This was smart, but I know my body and felt there was a good chance I’d have to go again when I arrived at the lake. Sure enough, I had to make use of the Jiffy John™ after getting there. I was unsurprised to find the loo had no toilet paper. But I had anticipated this and brought my own! (Not a whole roll, just enough.)
I did cheat a smidgen by pausing the run to take a few photos of the lake, but it was probably no more than 30 seconds. And the shots look nice.
Here’s one. The yellow is the lily pads starting to put on their fall colors–yes, already!
Run 656 Average pace: 6:14/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CW) Start: 2:23 p.m. Distance: 5.02 km Time: 31:17 Weather: Sunny Temp: 23ºC Humidity: 49% Wind: light BPM: 155 Weight: 178.3 Total distance to date: 4890 km Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12 Shoes: Brooks Caldera 5 (15 km)