It’s that time of the year and the cottonwood dander is flying again. Fortunately, I didn’t ingest any on today’s outing.
I decided to just do today’s walk/run in one big lump instead of dividing the walking and running bits, but my pace on the running section was strangely zippy–the first km came in at 5:36/km, by far my best pace so far this year.
The other thing of note was the temperature–a downright balmy 22C–balmy, at least compared to what we’ve been getting. It was cloudy and a bit humid, so I did not suffer any dry mouth, which was nice.
This was originally meant to be a full 5K run, but I started late. I ran around 3 km or so in total, so still not a bad effort. I’ll try doing a full run again on Friday. Overall, I am pleased with today’s results.
Walk 70 Average pace: 7:46/km Location: Brunette River trail Distance: 7.59 km Time: 58:59 Weather: Cloudy Temp: 22ºC Humidity: 48% Wind: light BPM: 131 Weight: 172.6 pounds Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12 Total distance to date: 524.53 km