Walk 91: Less ache, more run

I stretched my walk today to allow for a full 2 km run along the river trail and posted some pretty good times:

1 km: 5:36/km
2 km: 5:30/km

All while maintaining a BPM of under 150.

The achiness in my legs isn’t completely gone, but it’s mostly gone, so I was able to start running without the same discomfort as yesterday.

A pall of smoke from forest fires is thick over the area today, but the river trail wasn’t that bad, otherwise I may have skipped the running.

Again, it felt good to get out, and today I was able to appreciate the more Zen-like aspects of running, which was nice.

Tomorrow I am planning to do a 5K and if it goes well, I’ll go back to my usual 10K run on Friday. We will see.

Here’s a shot of the Brunette River, from the bridge on North Road, about 2.5 hours before sunset. You can see the smoke haze in the distance.


Walk 91
Average pace: 7:57/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.75 km
Time: 61:43
Weather: Sun and high cloud/smoke
Temp: 19 °C
Humidity: 64%
Wind: light
BPM: 120
Weight: 160.2 pounds
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12
Total distance to date: 686.1 km

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