An Elder Scrolls dream and ship espionage with a horse

Some dreams I had last night, or what I remember of them:

The first seemed to be taking place in some kind of high fantasy world reminiscent of The Elder Scrolls games. I’m not sure if I was actually human, but recall moving between different groups as I traversed the countryside, some of them being undead or skeletons. None if it was threatening or scary. This segued to me being in some kind of building–possibly a hotel, so this might have been a transition point to another dream. It felt 19th century, at least in decor. There were two women in old-timey dresses and one was frantic because someone or something was on the loose and likely coming for them, someone who seemed like a UBG–an Ultimate Bad Guy. I got the sense they’d be in big trouble if he found them. They ran into a room and hid in a large walk-in closet. Apparently in this dream I was a complete idiot, because I was in the hallway when the UBG appeared and very obviously went into the hotel room with the two women. Further, as he came in behind me, I very obviously went into the walk-in closet, and only shut the door on my half, leaving the women fully exposed. Maybe I was the UBG’s assistant.

The last thing I remember was thinking I should do something, so I tensed up like I was going to punch someone. Then the dream ended.

The next one started on a ship, which was being controlled by bad guys. I was being forced up top on deck to look for something or to do a thing. I remember climbing ladders and at one point someone fired a gun to remind me not to try anything funny, like trying to escape. There was also a horse involved, somehow. After some tense spy movie-like action, the scene transitioned to land and to what seemed to be the entrance to the old Moose Lodge in Duncan (it is no longer Moose-affiliated, as I found out recently via the interweb) where many people were milling about. I had either escaped or been released and had important information for my dad, who was apparently there (he died in 1991), but due to murky conditions, I had a hard time finding him, so I was calling out for him. The horse was there, off to the side, and appeared to have a large chunk missing from its middle in a way that is too weird to properly describe. The horse, unsurprisingly, seemed unwell, and sat down. Somehow what I did was tied to the horse and saving it, probably, but again I woke up before any closure.

Then my Garmin sleep report said I didn’t get enough deep sleep. REM sleep was good, though. I’ve been having piles of dreams lately, and have no idea why. I like remembering them, though!

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