Checking in on my New Year resolutions for 2024

Here’s what I wrote on December 27, 2023.

Resolutions 2024

  • Get to 150 pounds. But for real this time. Gotta go with the classics.
  • Finish my prototype game. Title to be revealed soon™.
  • Complete my blog redesign. Another classic. It could happen!
  • Revive my newsletter. I am actually working on this now, and have moved from Substack to Buttondown for the hosting.
  • Complete one of my unfinished novels. Likely either The Mean Mind or Road Closed. I’ve been itching to get back into writing again, and either of these stories will be fun to noodle around on.
  • Start a new blog or something. I kind of have something in mind, we’ll see what happens.
  • Focus on:
    • Being happy
    • Staying healthy
    • Bringing good into the world
    • Getting decent sleep, which will help with all of the above

New for 2024: I will check in at the end of each month to see how well I am doing on these things and use a letter, star, number or some other system to mark my progress or lack thereof. It’ll be fun!

Let’s see how I fared!

Resolutions 2024: The Verdict

  • Get to 150 pounds. lol no. Unless I binge donuts for the next two weeks, I will be down for the year, but nowhere near my 150 pound goal. The good news is I am probably more on track to achieve this now than at any other time in the past year, all thanks to an infection. Woo.
  • Finish my prototype game. lol no. Work came to a complete stop, for reasons.
  • Complete my blog redesign. lol yes! I actually did redesign my blog, making it much simpler and cleaner. It’s fine. I am looking to move off of WordPress thanks to the manbaby tantrums of the owner of WP that make the platform a lot less appealing, so further refinements are unlikely.
  • Revive my newsletter. lol no. I just didn’t have it in me. If I ever revive this (again) I will create something like six months of material before relaunching, to take the pressure off (for at least six months).
  • Complete one of my unfinished novels. lol no. I did painstakingly copy over Road closed into Scrivener (in Linux!), where I would work on a local copy. I’ve re-read it and have thoughts. Will they translate to actions? We’ll see!
  • Start a new blog or something. lol no. I experimented with a few blogging platforms, but never committed to one.
  • Focus on:
    • Being happy. Eh…
    • Staying healthy. I got a cold in June and an infection in December. Not great, but could have been worse? I also got that Baker’s cyst on my right knee again, but keep running pretty regularly through the year, even notching some of my best times in the past two years.
    • Bringing good into the world. I mean, I didn’t give birth to New Hitler or anything.
    • Getting decent sleep, which will help with all of the above. My sleep was overall pretty good!

New for 2024: I will check in at the end of each month to see how well I am doing on these things and use a letter, star, number or some other system to mark my progress or lack thereof. It’ll be fun! I did this once, I think. I should have set a reminder.

And now…

Resolutions 2025

None! That’s right, I am making no resolutions at all. I will still have some goals (in my head) and I still want to hit 150 pounds, but I’m making nothing official. The Culling™ now includes New Year resolutions. Onto 2025 and whatever the hell it brings!

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