Post-splat report: One week later

I am healing up!

The abrasion on my left elbow is nearly gone, the scrape on my right knee looks more like a playground boo-boo, and my hands have gone from covered in gauze and tape to regular bandages. The left hand will likely go bandage-free in the next day, with the right to follow not long after.

The left upper thigh has gone from feeling like it was punched by an angry gorilla (repeatedly) to just a bit sore.

The right wrist is still the worst off. While it is much better, there is still a bit of pain when I move it in certain ways, or more specifically, when I am holding something and move it in specific ways. The argument against the bones being sprained/broken are:

  • I don’t hear any ominous crunching when turning the wrist in any direction
  • In general there is no pain at all, unless I do a very specific action (eg. holding something in my hand in a particular manner)
  • Any pain is actually pretty low level
  • It definitely feels a lot better than it did a week ago, and broken bones do not magically heal themselves (to my knowledge)

I still reserve the right to get an X-ray, but I think the wrist is OK. Probably. Mostly, I know that if I go to the ER to have it checked out, I will be there for long, agonizing hours and that actually seems slightly worse than a bone fracture.

Anyway, I am generally on the mend and feeling much better with a week of recovery behind me, and no more (hopefully) bladder infection. December was a hell month. I am hoping January will at most be a heck month.

My hands, one week later (spoilers again, but they don’t look bad at all):

Hands, less bloody

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