It’s been almost five years since I saw a movie in a theatre

That movie was Pixar’s Onward. It was fine, mid-tier Pixar stuff. At the time–the first week of Marc 2020–I had no idea we were on the verge of movie theatres and nearly all other retail shutting down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Onward ended up on Disney+ before the end of the month, mere weeks after it opened. I could have saved $12 or whatever if we’d waited.

Since then, the movie-going with Nic has been replaced with birding. Birding is better because it gets you outside, you get exercise, you see birds, and going to a movie always seemed like a weird way to socialize, since you don’t actually speak during the length of the film, only before and after.

Do I miss going out to movies? Given that theatres have been open for actual years again, I’d have to say no. I no longer have the urge to see something new ASAP. I’d actually wait for reviews before seeing a new Star Wars movie. Nothing else gets me excited enough that I just can’t wait for streaming, VoD or just skipping it altogether. Sorry, Marvel, I’m just not that into you anymore.

Part of it is likely just getting older and having shifting priorities. I don’t need big and loud now. Quiet and deep works just fine.

I suppose I should eventually get around to watching Inside Out 2, though. I hear it’s quite good. And it’s on Disney+, so no need to go to a theatre!

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