The longest run (so far)

Average pace: 4:58/km

Location: Burnaby Lake, CCW
Distance: 13.06 km
Weather: Sun, hazy sun
Temp: 22ºC (feels like 25)
Wind: light to strong
Calories burned: 926
Total distance to date: 1488 km

Ran Piper Mill Trail, Conifer and Spruce Loops.

It was warm and humid today, with a mix of sun and hazy sun. On the plus side the humidity helps to keep you from feeling overly parched/thirsty while running. On the negative, it tends to wear you out.

It didn’t help that my left foot acted cranky fairly early on. Even my left shin felt not exactly sore but I could definitely feel it. This is worrying because it may mean it’s past the breaking point but it seems all right now, so I’m hoping that my likely shifted gait during the run was making it hurt (sort of) in a way it normally wouldn’t.

In better news, I once again opted for distance over speed and stretched out to beat last year’s previous best of 12.7 km. I did it, finishing at 13.06 km. Even better, my average pace was 4:58 vs. last year’s 5:21, a 23 second improvement. I approve!

I also experienced some other discomfort, notably some gas. I took a Tums before the run just for the heck of it and I think that may have actually caused the gas. Oops. Other that that the rest of the run went fine. I did a complete loop and came up just short of Spruce Loop before turning back to the dam to get past the 13K barrier. Fine, except for bugs. There seemed to be several new clumps hovering along a few spots on the trail, possibly hatched because it’s all cozy and muggy out. I’m pretty sure I ate a few.

I’m going to bring back the chart for the next run but will only record my average pace instead of the pace for each km. That will at least make it easier to see overall trends.

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