The first 10K of the year run

Average pace: 5:04/km
Location: Burnaby Lake, CCW
Ran optional Piper Mill Trail
Distance: 11.4 km
Weather: Partly sunny
Temp: 13ºC
Wind: light to moderate
Calories burned: 790
Total distance to date: 2086 km

My first run over 10K for the year was overall a success. The weather held out, was mild and even partly sunny early in the afternoon. I ran Burnaby Lake CCW and added in the Piper Mill Trail but skipped Spruce Loop and Conifer. I stopped just past the yellow stanchions outside the parking lot, so a bit short of a full loop, for reasons I will explain below.

The Good: Stamina was not an issue. This was my main concern and it turned out to be pretty much a non-factor. The 5Ks have given me enough of my stamina back that I never felt like I couldn’t keep going. Quite the contrary, I found a comfortable pace early on and maintained it for most of the run.

Run-time was 5:04/km, which a good 30+ seconds off what my pace had been last October but considering the six months off, I find it’s perfectly acceptable. It also compares better to the same time last year when I started running earlier (March) and ramped up to 10Ks after only a few runs. The closest day to compare is April 27, 2012 and my average pace on that day (with a distance of 11.02 km) was 5:26/km.

The right foot was the usual — I could feel the spot in back when I started out but it quickly faded as I warmed up.

The Bad: My left foot was hurting quite a bit by the end of the run and is responsible for a huge dip in my pace between the 9 and 10K mark where I kept flexing the foot, trying to iron out the kinks or whatever is going on down there. I managed to finally flex it in a way that provided some relief and picked back up to my regular pace for the rest of the run. I did elect to walk to the Production Way SkyTrain station (1 km) instead of walking home (4 km).

I’ll be having this checked out as part of my annual physical next month.

The Pretty: I wore a handsome new orange shirt today, along with a new pair of shorts and my newish cap and I must say I cut a dashing (ho ho) figure.

Despite the Crazy Foot™ the run was a success. I suspect my leg muscles will be reminding me of it tomorrow but the plan is to stick to 10Ks going forward.

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