Average pace: 5:15/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Ran Piper Mill Trail, Conifer and Spruce Loops
Distance: 11.15 km
Weather: Sun
Temp: 27ºC
Wind: light
Calories burned: 808
Total distance to date: 2318 km
Another quite warm run, though it was done after work so later in the evening than usual (the running part began at 7:12 p.m.). In addition to being warm it was also very muggy and with little wind to relieve the mugginess. This made the canopied areas of the trail feel a bit like hothouses, with the sticky hot air trapped by the surrounding vegetation.
I mustered through, though, determined to make up for the disappointing slip to 5:22/km on the previous lake run.
And success! I finished with a pace of 5:15. seven seconds better and three seconds better than the pace prior to that. The left foot behaved itself throughout and this is definitely a contributing factor to the improved time. I’m also feeling I’m starting to get past the point where my stamina kicks up another notch, as the overall pace of the run shows a smooth, gradual decline, without a lot of ups and downs, along with the usual spike up, this time starting a full 1.5 km before the end.
Pleased with the progress, especially with the torrid conditions.