Run 411: Stink and bikes

Run 411
Average pace: 5:53/km
Location: Burnaby Lake CW
Distance: 5.35 km
Time: 31:30
Weather: Overcast
Temp: 11ºC
Wind: moderate with occasional strong gusts
BPM: 168
Stride: n/a
Weight: 169 pounds
Total distance to date: 3335
Device used: Apple Watch and iPhone 6

For my third weekly run I changed things up a little by running clockwise and running a wee bit farther, as the 5K marker is about 300 m further along the trail when approaching from this direction. The forecast threatened thundershowers but fortunately the rain held off entirely, though it was occasionally quite gusty. Despite being quite warmer than the last run, the wind was sharp enough to produce a chill on the walk to the lake.

The Speedgoats again bled color into my socks so grr on that. On the plus side, my left foot held up better. I tried to pace myself on the first km again and pretty much failed, with a pace of 5:21/km, much faster than the rest of my run. I’m not sure how much extra energy it would give me for the remaining four km, anyway.

I generally felt more energetic, which is nice with a lowly once-per-week pace and look forward to seeing even more rapid improvements when I resume running multiple times per week.

My pace was improved again, from 5:56/km to 5:53/km. Not much but I’ll take it.

A family of three were riding bikes, including the inevitable kid-wobbling-like-he’s-going-to-fall-over, one of my favorite things to encounter on the trail. Another guy was riding solo and he looked a bit sheepish when I shot him The Look as I jogged by. Here’s a good way to avoid feeling sheepish: DON’T RIDE YOUR BIKES AT THE LAKE.

The trail was a bit puddle-filled in places but only required a bit of minor dodging and the next sign of spring (after the early budding of trees) was in the air. And the air stunk. Specifically, the skunk cabbage is beginning its annual bloom and this earliest stage is among the stinkiest. Fortunately the stink was confined to a stretch adjacent to one of the boardwalks.

Overall, a satisfactory effort. I’m still undecided on wearing the TomTom but may do so next time.

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