Run 424: A nice mid-June run in mid-April

Run 424
Average pace: 5:22/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 5.02 km
Time: 27:02
Weather: Sun and high cloud
Temp: 19ºC
Wind: low
BPM: 158
Stride: n/a
Weight: 166.9 pounds
Total distance to date: 3415
Device used: Apple Watch and iPhone 6

Another curiously warm early evening run. My goal was the same as it has been the last few runs, which is to maintain a steady but not especially blazing pace, all the better to keep my lower body intact. I figured since it was actually for-real warm out that I might naturally run slower anyway.

I was wrong. Instead, although I was fairly steady, I improved to an overall pace of 5:22/km, my best for a 5K this year. The right leg felt slightly creaky but not actually sore. Paradoxically, my BPM was back down again, to 158. I guess my body is finally getting used to running again.

Also, no dogs. Yay. Sorry, dogs, you’re just a tad too unpredictable in your unleashed state, which many of your silly owners leave you in.

Not much else to report, just generally pleased again by the results.

Note: The original post showed the temperature as 194ºC. This has been corrected to 19ºC. Running in temperatures approaching 200 Celsius is neither recommended nor endorsed.

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