Run 430: Everybody I hurts

Run 430
Average pace: 5:35/km
Location: Langara Golf Course trail (CCW)
Distance: 5.00 km
Time: 28:02
Weather: Sun with some cloud
Temp: 14ºC
Wind: light
BPM: 156
Stride: n/a
Weight: 164 pounds
Total distance to date: 3457
Device used: Apple Watch and iPhone 6

Straight-up, the right leg hurt on this run. At times it felt almost normal, at others I shifted just so on it and it almost felt like it might buckle. The good news is that while I can still feel it a little some hours later it’s not anywhere close to the pain of last August (it just feels a bit sore now) and stretching both before and after the run likewise did not cause any sort of pain.

Still, it is worrying. I will be very cautious on Sunday’s run and will stretch and do helpful stuff in the meantime.

The run itself felt very similar to the first one in terms of where I slowed and quickened my pace but overall the right leg left me with a more sluggish pace of 5:35/km vs. the first run with 5:26/km. Cardio-wise I probably felt a little better.

Weather-wise, it was entirely pleasant, with sun and a light breeze. The whole thing would have been fine if not for the leg. The large amount of uphill running is very different and a lot more demanding than my usual runs, though, so I suspect that was a factor in how the leg felt, too.

We shall see what Sunday brings.

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