Run 431
Average pace: 5:28/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 5.01 km
Time: 27:24
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 20ºC
Wind: light
BPM: 157
Stride: n/a
Weight: 163.2 pounds
Total distance to date: 3462
Device used: Apple Watch and iPhone 6
After a week without runs (skipping Sunday and Tuesday) I decided to try out a mild 5K along the river tonight.
It went…okay. I improved my pace over my previous 5K by seven seconds, although 5:28/km is just a tad on the pokey side at this point in the season. The right leg felt sore but was tolerable and doesn’t feel any worse post-run. There were about four times during the run where my weight seemed to shift into the magic “no load-bearing weight” zone and the right leg would want to fold up. Keeping pace allowed me to plow through these brief, albeit unpleasant moments. Paradoxically, it seemed easier to not hit these points by running faster, as my gait would lengthen and change enough to avoid hitting that especially sensitive spot around the ankle.
Overall, I don’t regret going out and I don’t think I’m any worse for it. The run was not exactly fun, though. On the plus side, the weather was faboo, another eerily summer-like evening long before actual summer arrives. I know it’s probably just a foretelling of the doom to come as global warming ramps up, but it’s still nice for now.
I’m planning to go out again on Sunday but will wait until then to make a final call. If by Sunday my leg has inflamed to twice its regular size and causes enough pain to result in spontaneous blackouts I’ll probably skip the run and eat apple strudel instead.