Run 528: The last 10K of summer vacation 2017

Run 528
Average pace: 5:34/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Start: 11:04 am
Distance: 10.04 km
Time: 55:54
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 18-20ºC
Humidity: 51%
Wind: light to moderate
BPM: 151
Weight: 157.4 pounds
Total distance to date: 4114 km
Devices: Apple Watch, iPhone

Today I achieved a palindrome, having run 4114 km. This is not a precise figure, as I tend to round down (most runs are 20 or 3 meters past the actual 5/7/8/10K mark, but either way, it’s a good number.

I also wrapped up my 10K summer vacation runs on a positive note, beating my previous pace by four seconds at 5:34/km (one of my better 10Ks this year). I even felt pretty good for a long stretch, helped by lower temperatures, minimal sweating and just generally feeling better. This was reflected in my lower BPM of 151.

The run was pretty normal. I started at the top of the hill near the dam and hit the 10K mark before reaching the bridge at Silver Creek. The detour at the athletic fields was in place again for more tree-chopping or something. The placement of the detour sign was also once again obnoxiously placed right at the spot you exit out from a very narrow part of the trail and onto a much wider, open part. This particular exit also comes on a blind corner so the barricade just suddenly appears and blocks your way out. The first day it was out it was placed across the wider section, which is the actual part that needs to be blocked. I don’t normally say these sorts of things but the person who put the barricade in place yesterday and today was and is an idiot. I actually paused my run to move it to where it had been on the first day of “trail repairs” but stopped short when a car parked near the “repair” area started to move. I thought someone might be coming to yell at me and I had a run to finish (this barricade is almost exactly at the 5K mark). Whoever was in the car apparently only wanted to move it a few feet for whatever reason, so I was probably okay, but still.

I’ll move it all the way over next time if it’s still there.

Other than that, the run was uneventful, with not too many people out, despite the sunny skies. I had to dodge a putt-putt car at one point but the driver did not have the pedal to the metal, so I was good. Oddly, I also had to dodge a truck (get it??) on the river trail, too. Busy day for the only authorized wheeled vehicles.

The new shoes are still holding up. I again felt some very minor discomfort but nothing that would affect my run.

Overall, I did the following during my vacation:

  • ran 9 10K runs
  • ran 1 5K run
  • ran 1 6.38K run (this was the aborted 10K when I wore the Hoka Stinsons that tried to murder my left foot)

My amazing math skills show me this adds up to 101.38 km for the vacation. Not too shabby!

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