My shin was tinging a bit (tinging is the best word I can think of to describe it) after Monday’s run so I decided to give it an extra day to evaluate before running again. It turned out to be a good decision not because of a potential injury but because the weather yesterday sucked corn dogs, with the official weather recording 9.7 mm of rain. It dried out sufficiently that the trail today was dry and in about as good a shape as it gets these days.
I’m going to try to use a standard format for the weather. I’ll see if I can stick to it. Thus:
Cloudy with some sun
Temp: 11-14ºC
Wind: light
I ran clockwise and was pleased that Monday’s performance did not appear to be a fluke, as my legs and stamina both held up. I shaved a few seconds off the first km, coming in at a fairly zippy 5:01/km and also knocked two seconds off my previous average pace, dropping to 5:24/km from 5:26. The legs feel fine now, so I should be in good shape going forward. If my times remain where they are or improve, I’ll start giving thought to ramping back up to full 10K runs again.
Chart (blue indicates the run was done clockwise):
km | May 26 | May 23 | May 20 | May 18 | Jan 25 |
1 km | 5:01 | 5:03 | 5:15 | 5:13 | 5:04 |
2 km | 5:13 | 5:15 | 5:24 | 5:23 | 5:20 |
3 km | 5:19 | 5:21 | 5:31 | 5:30 | 5:31 |
4 km | 5:24 | 5:25 | 5:35 | 5:35 | 5:36 |
5 km | 5:24 | 5:26 | 5:37 | 5:37 | 5:37 |