A look back to August 27, 2021, via August 30th, 2021

It makes sense, trust me!

August 27th, 2021 was my last day of employment at Langara College. I worked in IT Support, on the service desk as a CST1Computer Support Technician. I started there as a contractor in November 2012 and was hired on permanently in January 2013, so I worked there for a little under nine years.

All of it, and many years of tech support work before that, was a mistake. This isn’t to say it was all horrible, or an unmitigated disaster, or that I didn’t do my job well, it just wasn’t what I should have been doing.

Since leaving, I have lost weight, gotten in better shape, renewed my creativity and feel I am just generally a better, and happier person. It’s not perfect, nothing ever is, but it’s a huge improvement over where I was.

I wrote about leaving tech support and my job of almost nine years three days after my last day. Everything I wrote then is still valid today. You can read what I said here:

A brief essay on how my broken logic mired me in the wrong job for years

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