A maintenance run

Average pace: 4:58/km

Location: Burnaby Lake, CW
Distance: 11.79 km
Weather: Sun and cloud
Temp: 20ºC
Wind: none
Calories burned: 836
Total distance to date: 1499 km

Today was planned as a maintenance run. With my left foot and shin bothering me to varying degrees on Wednesday’s run I wanted to run today at a slower but steady pace to help reduce the risk of injury and to see if the left foot and shin would react positively. I still wanted to finish under 5:00/km if possible because I am at least a little addicted to always getting a bit faster.

I managed to achieve all of my intended goals. I finished with a pace of 4:58/km and the left foot was not unduly bothersome. More importantly, perhaps, the left shin did not act up during or after the run. I am now hoping that my shifted gait on Wednesday was responsible for it feeling tweaked. Two full days of rest over the weekend should also help out.

It was cloudy to start (99% coverage according to the weather site) with a 30% chance of showers so I was prepared for rain. 30% often equals 100% around here. Surprisingly, the opposite happened and it partially cleared while I was out. Typically the sun would shine when I was on a part of the trail that offered no shade and would then duck behind a cloud when I was back to running under a heavy canopy. It was quite humid and the stretch along the athletic fields was especially stifling, with no real breeze to speak of.

I started out with a good pace but eased off and maintained a slower but steady pace as intended. I also skipped the optional loops to reduce the total distance, though with the detour that still came in at 11.79 km.

The run was unremarkable save for an annoying pair of cyclists who crossed my path three (!) times. The woman was especially wobbly at the wheel and I kept expecting her to tip over as I passed. They got a wide berth — and bonus mildly dirty look.

And the return of the chart, showing overall pace:

June chart

 Date Average Pace
June 29 4:58
June 27 4:58
June 25 4:53
June 22 4:45
June 20 4:59
June 18 4:49
June 15 4:51
June 13 4:52
June 11 5:02
June 6 4:49
June 4 4:54
June 1 4:57


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