A slightly damp record 5K run

Average pace: 4:47/km

Location: Burnaby Lake, CCW
Distance: 11.52 km
Weather: Mainly cloudy, some light rain
Temp: 16ºC
Wind: light to none
Calories burned: 817
Total distance to date: 1511 km

Ran: Spruce and Conifer loops.

I was waiting and hoping that the light rain that was falling this afternoon would stop — and it did! But only after I started my run. Fortunately it was light so I had pretty much dried by the time I finished the run. With temperatures significantly cooler than Friday and a weekend of rest I was more energetic and able to maintain a steady pace more reliably. The left foot and shin also behaved enough to not be factors. This allowed me to clock my second best pace to date at 4:47/km as well as my fastest 5K at 23:16. I also passed 1500 km tracked, woo.

Near the start of the counter-clockwise run I had a Fitness Dude with armband iPod run past me. It happens, I’m not the fastest guy out there. I took two of the three optional trails, spotting him some extra distance. When I hit the Cottonwood Trail (which is a very long straight stretch) I spotted him a fair distance ahead of me. He disappeared where the trail turns back toward the lake and I did not see him again. At this point I assumed he stopped at 5K or was chased off my a wily coyote.

For the final km I found a reserve of energy and picked up my pace significantly. This was nice. Then I saw Fitness Dude coming out of the parking lot (basically the 10K point of the run), heading past me. I am now assuming that he was some kind of running robot with fully charged battery. Or maybe a clone.

In all, I was quite pleased by today’s effort. The cooler temperatures are definitely better for runs but it would still be kind of nice if summer showed up at some point.


Date Average Pace
July 2 4:47
June 29 4:58
June 27 4:58
June 25 4:53
June 22 4:45
June 20 4:59
June 18 4:49
June 15 4:51
June 13 4:52
June 11 5:02
June 6 4:49
June 4 4:54
June 1 4:57

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