A slightly slower slightly damp minimalist run

Average pace: 5:14/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Distance: 5.05 km
Weather: Light showers
Temp: 14-12ºC
Wind: light
Calories burned: 401
Total distance to date: 2556 km

Today I switched to my New Balance MT100 minimalist shoes, as my Nikes are starting to show visible wear in the heels. I was a little concerned how it would go having not run in minimalist shoes for so long but overall it was fine. My left foot was a little sore even before heading out (the usual with the pad) but during the run it felt fine and while a bit sore after it actually got better the closer I got to home.

My pace was two seconds slower compared to Sunday, not a big surprise since switching shoes is usually a good way to slow yourself down. Interestingly the biggest drop came in the first km when I was clearly re-adjusting to having less cushioning.

The weather was cooler and light showers peppered the run from time to time. It didn’t actually start to come down steady until I was two blocks from home–enough distance to get reasonably soaked. I anticipated this and wore my weather-proofed run jacket and it sufficed in keeping the wet stuff on the outside.

I am pondering a 10K run for Thursday but am still undecided.

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