Run 349
Average pace: 5:37/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Ran Spruce and Conifer Loops
Distance: 10.04 km
Weather: Sunny and hot
Temp: 27-30ºC
Wind: light
Calories burned: 743
Total distance to date: 2937
My original plan today was to get up early and run after breakfast to beat the predicted heat (a high of 27ºC). Instead I slept in and didn’t head out until noon. On top of that the temperature climbed higher than forecast, topping out around 30ºC.
This was my worst run of the year, bar none. With six days off and coming off an unimpressive previous pace of 5:21/km, I managed to be significantly slower again. It was hot, I was tired, I started out poorly (5:18 for the first km) and had no hope of recovering. Although I didn’t make any special effort, I did manage to pick up the pace a little in the final km, the one bright spot in an otherwise dismal run.
My left foot began to hurt toward the end, though I don’t believe it was a significant factor on my pace. My stomach felt off but not bad, just weirdly on the verge of cramping or something.
The calorie count is reduced because I adjusted my weight down on the iPod Nike app, from 165 pounds to today’s more svelte 159 pounds. Lighter me = fewer calories burned. I can live with that sort of trade-off.
Other than it being quite warm, the only other notable aspects of the run were a family of cyclists (grr) and how close I came to stepping on a snake (very). Mr or Mrs Snake was not crossing the trail like others have in the past but was fully stopped, perhaps enjoying the relative cool of this particular shaded section. I spotted it around the same time my foot started coming down directly on it. Fortunately snakes can really boogie when they need to and it hustled off before getting accidentally smooshed. That’s all I would have needed, the added guilt of murdering a snake to go along with being tired and over-heated.
Here’s hoping the next run is better. I’m setting the bar low on this one.