I tried to play music in iTunes.
A story in two images:

This seems easy to solve!

Oh, I am signed in.
Next: The software equivalent of “turn it off and on”, which is to say, I restarted iTunes.
This did not work.
I next logged into the web version of Apple Music. I needed to sign in there, but once I did, it played a song that I have only ever listened to through Apple Music (not purchased separately in the iTunes store). Yay, it works!
I tried iTunes again, thinking this may have sent a successful signal to the mothership.
It did not.
I thought about doing some searching on the interweb for other solutions or to see if other people are experiencing the same issue, then I remembered that I have several thousand songs I own–that I actually purchased on physical media and ripped (as we called it in the olden days), so instead of wasting my time hunting down something I probably couldn’t fix anyway, I just listened to my own music.
Using Windows Media Player.
Alas, iTunes, alas.
Bonus: When prompted to allow the Apple ID sign-in, it seems Apple places me “near Abbotsford”:

I mean, it’s right, if you consider 43 km away to be near.