Birding May 11, 2023: Babies everywhere, coots nowhere

Where: Piper Spit, Burnaby Lake
Weather: Sunny, 20C

The Outing

I went on a solo trek to Piper Spit late morning/early afternoon, taking advantage of the sunny weather (after slathering myself with sunblock). With fewer people out on a weekday, the waterfowl weren’t quite as copious around the pier, but I still got some nice shots.

And babies! The geese and ducks both have oodles of little fluffballs in tow, following their moms and dads all over.

What wasn’t present were the winter migrants. The coots, pintails, scaups and others have all disappeared to their summer homes.

I also stuck to my new rule of only taking shots, including scenery shots, with my camera.

Overall, a pleasant outing, even if the variety of birds is now a bit diminished. The sun glinting off wood ducks and mallards almost makes up for it.

The Shots

The Birds (and other critters)

Sparrows and sparrow-adjacent:

  • Blackbird
  • Chickadee
  • Cowbird
  • Song sparrow
  • Spotted towhee


  • Canada goose
  • Great Blue Heron
  • Mallard
  • Wood duck


  • Crow
  • Pigeon


  • Bald eagle


  • Comma butterfly
  • Painted turtle

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