Complaint-free me, Day 15: Observations, not complaints

It rained a lot today. It was monsoon-like. Did I complain?


Just kidding.

I don’t mind running in the rain but running in a downpour is frankly no fun, but I wanted to exercise, so I suggested we go to the pool and we did. I got a good 30-minute workout on the elliptical trainer that, combined with the same yesterday, equaled the effort of doing the 10K I missed out on…all while keeping completely dry.

Behold the power of positive thinking. Or thinking, at least.

Jeff is catching himself more often now and trying to put a more positive spin on things, even if the spin is a wee bit sarcastic. It’s cute! I appreciate the effort, though. Every time someone complains to me I am still fighting the impulse to agree or complain back. Each day the impulse weakens, so I cling tenaciously to that.

Six days to go and will I keep wearing this blue elastic band that I have yet to replace with a proper bracelet? Heck no. If I think I’ll still need that after 21 days I’ll consider my effort a failure and reset to Day 1.

But I may replace it with a proper bracelet, anyway, because sometimes I just do stuff like that.

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