The polling stations across the country have closed, the majority of ballots have been tallied and finally the decades-long election of 2015 (okay, it was really 78 days, but that’s still about twice as long as most Canadian elections) is over.
The Liberals have surprisingly won a majority government and Justin Trudeau will be our 23rd prime minster. I don’t like their stance on Bill C-51 and am highly skeptical that they will bring in promised electoral reform (especially with a majority) but on balance I think a lot of their policies are sensible and they deserve a chance to govern.
More importantly, Stephen Harper, a sour socially conservative control freak seemingly interested only in amassing power while debasing every federal institution he turned his eye to, will no longer be prime minster. Good riddance to the man whose greatest contribution to this country was the determined dismantling of everything that makes Canada a tolerant, fair and generous nation. At the same time he took to the stage to offer his “concession” speech, an aide confirmed in a written statement that he would be resigning as Conservative leader tomorrow–something he never mentioned in his speech because he was too busy congratulating himself on what a great job he’d done and shame we didn’t re-elect his party to government again.
Anyway, I’m glad this election is over and I’m glad Harper is gone. May we never see another party leader like him again.
Now I can get back to important issues, like amusing cat images.