If I could turn back time

First, I am not linking to a video of the Cher song.

OK, I totally am. Here you go:

But really, if I could travel back in time for only one day and not actually change history, just noodle around and take in the sights, and I was restricted to only visiting years during which I was alive (yes, this is an oddly specific set of restrictions), I’d go back to July 3 (nice weather) in the following years:

1973: I was 9 years old, so I actually remember a fair bit about 1973, but it would be groovy to walk around my hometown of Duncan as it was back then, when the world felt simpler and smaller (but I was also only 9 years old). Seeing it with adult eyes would be entertaining, if only for the fashions.

1993: 20 years later and I’m now 29 years old. Why this year? Because Vancouver has changed so much in the past 30 years. 1993 was pre-internet, pre-Windows 95 and yet still feels “modern” in my memory. I’d like to see how that would hold up to the reality. Plus, I could visit all those old computer stores I wrote about recently, and relive the last hurrah of computers that weren’t just IBM compatibles or Macs. And secretly invest in Apple stock. My runner-up choice would be summer 1986 or 1987 when Vancouver was the big new city, and I was taking my first initial steps into coming out to others and being part of a larger community. So much of what was back then is gone now. Actually, maybe I wouldn’t want to go back to those years, it would probably just make me sad. Although I’d totally take the time to check out Expo 86, which I really didn’t get to see much of when I worked there.

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